Titanic Victims

Of the 2,224 passengers and crew aboard the Titanic, 1,514 lost their lives. This number includes both passengers and crew members. The majority of those who perished were men, reflecting the “women and children first” protocol that was generally followed during the evacuation. You can read a more detailed analysis of how many people died on the titanic here.

Passenger Victims

Among the 1,316 passengers, 818 did not survive the disaster. The breakdown of passenger victims by class reveals stark differences in survival rates:

First Class Victims

  • Total First Class Victims: 123 out of 325 passengers (37.8% death rate)

  • Men: 118 victims

  • Women: 4 victims

  • Children: 1 victim

Despite having better access to lifeboats, a significant number of First Class passengers, particularly men, did not survive.

Second Class Victims

  • Total Second Class Victims: 167 out of 285 passengers (58.6% death rate)

  • Men: 154 victims

  • Women: 13 victims

  • Children: 0 victims

Second Class passengers faced a higher death rate than First Class, with men being the most affected group.

Third Class Victims

  • Total Third Class Victims: 528 out of 706 passengers (74.8% death rate)

  • Men: 387 victims

  • Women: 89 victims

  • Children: 52 victims

Third Class passengers suffered the highest death rate among all classes, with significant losses across all demographic groups.

Crew Victims

The Titanic’s crew also suffered heavy losses:

  • Total crew victims: 696 out of 908 crew members (76.7% death rate)

  • Men: 693 victims

  • Women: 3 victims

The high death rate among crew members reflects their dedication to duty, with many remaining aboard to help passengers evacuate.

Victim Demographics

Male Victims

Men accounted for the majority of victims:

  • Total male victims: 1,352
  • Percentage of all victims: 89.3%

The high proportion of male victims was partly due to the “women and children first” evacuation policy and the higher number of men aboard, especially among the crew.

Female Victims

Women, while fewer in number, also suffered losses:

  • Total female victims: 109
  • Percentage of all victims: 7.2%

The lower number of female victims reflects the priority given to women during the evacuation process.

Child Victims

Tragically, a number of children also perished in the disaster:

  • Total child victims: 53

  • Percentage of all victims: 3.5%

Most of the child victims were from Third Class, highlighting the challenges faced by passengers in the lower decks during the evacuation.