Matti Alexanteri Mäenpää

Mr Matti Alexanteri Mäenpää

Who was Matti Alexanteri Mäenpää?

Matti Alexanteri Mäenpää was a 22 (twenty-two) year-old Finnish passenger aboard the ill-fated RMS Titanic. Born on October 7, 1889, Mäenpää was a third-class passenger who embarked on the ship’s maiden voyage from Southampton, England, with dreams of a new life in Canada. His journey, like those of many others, was tragically cut short when the Titanic sank on April 15, 1912.

Early Life and Background

A Young Finnish Emigrant

Matti Alexanteri Mäenpää was born in Finland during the late 19th century. At the time of his Titanic journey, he was a young man of 22 (twenty-two), seeking opportunities across the Atlantic. While specific details about his early life are limited, his decision to emigrate to Canada reflects the common aspirations of many Europeans during that era, looking for better prospects in the New World.

Titanic Journey Details

Why did Mäenpää board the Titanic?

Mäenpää boarded the Titanic at Southampton with the intention of traveling to Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. He was not alone in this journey, as he was accompanied by three fellow Finns:

This group of four Finnish men likely formed a bond as they embarked on their ambitious journey to a new life in Canada.

What was Mäenpää’s ticket information?

Mäenpää’s ticket details are as follows:

Ticket Number3101275
Passenger Class3rd Class
Fare£7 6s (336 Finnish Marks)

It’s worth noting that the fare included not only the Titanic passage but also a train ticket to Sudbury, indicating the comprehensive nature of his travel plans.

Fate During the Disaster

Did Matti Alexanteri Mäenpää survive the Titanic sinking?

Tragically, Matti Alexanteri Mäenpää did not survive the sinking of the Titanic. None of his traveling companions survived either, making their shared dream of a new life in Canada all the more poignant. Mäenpää’s body was never recovered from the icy waters of the North Atlantic, leaving his final resting place unknown.

The loss of Mäenpää and his companions underscores the devastating impact the Titanic disaster had on groups of friends and families traveling together.

Legacy and Compensation

While Matti Alexanteri Mäenpää’s life was cut short, his story remains a part of the larger Titanic narrative. In the aftermath of the disaster:

  • Mäenpää’s relatives received £50 in compensation for their loss.
  • His name is recorded among the victims of the Titanic, preserving his memory for future generations.

Interesting Facts About Matti Alexanteri Mäenpää

  • Age Discrepancy: Interestingly, while Mäenpää was 22 (twenty-two) years old when he boarded the Titanic, his age at the time of death is also listed as 22 (twenty-two). This highlights the immediacy of the disaster, occurring just days after the ship’s departure.
  • Finnish Community: Mäenpää’s journey with three other Finnish men illustrates the tendency of immigrants to travel in groups, providing mutual support and maintaining cultural connections even as they ventured to a new country.
  • Economic Context: The fare of 336 Finnish Marks (equivalent to £7 6s) for a third-class ticket and onward travel to Sudbury provides insight into the economic considerations of early 20th-century immigration.

Matti Alexanteri Mäenpää’s brief life and tragic end on the Titanic serve as a poignant reminder of the many individual stories that make up the larger tapestry of this historic disaster. His journey, cut short at the age of 22 (twenty-two), represents the dreams and aspirations of countless immigrants who risked everything for the promise of a better life across the ocean.

About the Author
Andrew Nolan
Andre Nolan Lead Author & Researcher

Andre Nolan is an avid Titanic historian and the creator of, a website dedicated to uncovering the untold stories and forgotten details behind the famous ocean liner.

With a lifelong passion for maritime history, Andre has spent over a decade researching the Titanic, from the personal lives of passengers and crew to the engineering marvels that made the ship an icon of its era.

When he's not immersed in Titanic lore, Andre enjoys connecting with fellow maritime history lovers, exploring historic ships and shipwrecks.