Mr Mate Pocrnić

Who was Mate Pocrnić?

Mr Mate Pocrnić was a 17 (seventeen) year-old Croatian farmer who tragically lost his life in the sinking of the RMS Titanic. As a third-class passenger, Pocrnić’s story is one of many that highlights the disproportionate impact the disaster had on those traveling in steerage.

Early Life and Background

Mate Pocrnić was born in 1895 in Bukovac, Croatia. At the young age of 17 (seventeen), he was already working as a farmer, demonstrating the early start to working life that was common for many in his social class during that era. Pocrnić was unmarried, likely due to his youth, and had decided to embark on a journey that would tragically cut his life short.

The Journey to a New Life

Why did Mate Pocrnić board the Titanic?

Mate Pocrnić boarded the Titanic with hopes of reaching South Chicago, Illinois, presumably in search of better opportunities. Like many immigrants of his time, he saw America as a land of promise and a chance to build a new life.

Titanic Boarding Details

  • Embarkation Point: Southampton
  • Ticket Number: 315095
  • Passenger Class: 3rd Class
  • Fare: £8 13s 3d (8 pounds, 13 shillings, and 3 pence)

Interestingly, Pocrnić purchased his ticket from Johann Isidor Büchel, an agent in Buchs, for 170 Swiss francs. This detail gives us insight into the complex network of ticket agents and currency exchanges involved in transatlantic travel at the time.

Connections on Board

It’s believed that Mate Pocrnić traveled with Tome Pocrnić, though the exact nature of their relationship is unclear. This companionship suggests that, like many immigrants, Pocrnić sought to maintain some connection to his homeland even as he ventured into the unknown.

The Fateful Night

What happened to Mate Pocrnić during the Titanic disaster?

Tragically, Mate Pocrnić did not survive the sinking of the Titanic. As a third-class passenger, his chances of survival were significantly lower than those in first or second class. The exact circumstances of his final moments remain unknown, as his body was never identified if it was recovered at all.

The loss of young lives like Mate Pocrnić’s underscores the human tragedy of the Titanic disaster, particularly among the third-class passengers.

Legacy and Remembrance

While Mate Pocrnić’s life was cut short, his memory lives on as part of the broader narrative of the Titanic disaster. His parents, Mile and Mara Pocrnić, received £50 from the Titanic relief fund, a sum that could never compensate for the loss of their son but served as a recognition of their loss.

Impact on Family

The loss of a young son like Mate would have been devastating for the Pocrnić family:

  • Emotional trauma
  • Loss of potential future support
  • Impact on the family’s farming work in Bukovac

Reflecting on Mate Pocrnić’s Story

Mate Pocrnić’s brief life and tragic death aboard the Titanic serve as a poignant reminder of the dreams and aspirations of countless immigrants who risked everything for a chance at a better life. His story, while one among many, helps to humanize the immense loss of life in the Titanic disaster and underscores the particular vulnerability of third-class passengers during that fateful night.

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About the Author
Andrew Nolan
Andre Nolan Lead Author & Researcher

Andre Nolan is an avid Titanic historian and the creator of, a website dedicated to uncovering the untold stories and forgotten details behind the famous ocean liner.

With a lifelong passion for maritime history, Andre has spent over a decade researching the Titanic, from the personal lives of passengers and crew to the engineering marvels that made the ship an icon of its era.

When he's not immersed in Titanic lore, Andre enjoys connecting with fellow maritime history lovers, exploring historic ships and shipwrecks.