Mr Liudevit ČOR

Who was Liudevit ČOR?

Liudevit ČOR was a 19 (nineteen) year-old Croatian passenger aboard the ill-fated RMS Titanic. A married general labourer from Kričina, Croatia, ČOR embarked on a journey that would tragically end his life at a young age.

Early Life and Background

Born in 1893, Liudevit ČOR grew up in Croatia during a time of significant social and economic change in Europe. By the age of 19 (nineteen), he had already established himself as a general labourer and was married, showcasing the different expectations and life trajectories of the early 20th century compared to today.

What was ČOR’s occupation?

ČOR worked as a general labourer, a common profession for many third-class passengers on the Titanic. This occupation often involved manual work and was typical of many European immigrants seeking better opportunities in America during this period.

The Titanic Journey

How did ČOR come to be on the Titanic?

Liudevit ČOR boarded the Titanic at Southampton, embarking on what he hoped would be a life-changing journey to St. Louis, Missouri. He purchased his third-class ticket from the agent Im Obersteg & Cie., Basel, for the sum of 330 Swiss francs, equivalent to £7 17s 11d.

ČOR’s ticket number was 349231, a detail that would later help in identifying his status during the disaster.

Who was ČOR traveling with?

While traveling alone, it’s believed that Liudevit ČOR was presumably related to two other passengers on the Titanic:

This family connection adds a layer of poignancy to the tragedy, as multiple members of the same family faced the disaster together.

Fate During the Disaster

What happened to Liudevit ČOR during the sinking?

Tragically, Liudevit ČOR did not survive the sinking of the Titanic. As a third-class passenger, his chances of survival were significantly lower than those in first or second class. The chaos and confusion of the disaster, coupled with the limited access to lifeboats for third-class passengers, likely contributed to his fate.

Was ČOR’s body ever recovered?

Despite efforts to recover and identify victims, Liudevit ČOR’s body was never identified if it was recovered at all. This unfortunate circumstance was common for many victims of the Titanic disaster, leaving families without closure.

Legacy and Impact

How was ČOR’s family affected by the tragedy?

The sinking of the Titanic had a profound impact on ČOR’s family, particularly his widow, Maria ČOR. In the aftermath of the disaster:

  • Maria ČOR, residing in Kričina (Bribir), received £100 from the relief fund.
  • This financial assistance, while unable to compensate for the loss of a husband, was part of the broader efforts to support the families of Titanic victims.

What does ČOR’s story tell us about the Titanic disaster?

Liudevit ČOR’s experience aboard the Titanic highlights several aspects of the disaster:

  1. The dreams and aspirations of immigrants seeking a better life in America
  2. The disproportionate impact on third-class passengers
  3. The far-reaching effects of the tragedy on families and communities across Europe

Remembering Liudevit ČOR

Liudevit ČOR’s life was cut short at the age of 19 (nineteen) on April 15, 1912. His story, like many others, serves as a poignant reminder of the human cost of the Titanic disaster. From his Croatian origins to his final journey, ČOR’s tale encapsulates the hopes, dreams, and ultimate tragedy of many who sailed on the Titanic, contributing to the enduring legacy of this historical event.

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About the Author
Andrew Nolan
Andre Nolan Lead Author & Researcher

Andre Nolan is an avid Titanic historian and the creator of, a website dedicated to uncovering the untold stories and forgotten details behind the famous ocean liner.

With a lifelong passion for maritime history, Andre has spent over a decade researching the Titanic, from the personal lives of passengers and crew to the engineering marvels that made the ship an icon of its era.

When he's not immersed in Titanic lore, Andre enjoys connecting with fellow maritime history lovers, exploring historic ships and shipwrecks.