Johannes Halvorsen Kalvik

Who was Johannes Halvorsen Kalvik?

Johannes Halvorsen Kalvik was a young Norwegian man who tragically lost his life aboard the RMS Titanic at the age of 21 (twenty-one). Born in 1890, he was a general labourer and carpenter from Skånevik, Norway, who embarked on a fateful journey to America in search of his missing brother and new opportunities.

Early Life and Family

Johannes Halvorsen Kalvik was born on December 2, 1890, in Skånevik, Søndre Bergenhus (modern-day Hordaland), Norway. He was baptized on December 21 of the same year in Åkre. Johannes was the youngest of five children born to Halvar Godskalkson (1841-1918), a farmer and trader, and Søverine Nilsdotter (1841-1911).

His siblings were:

  • Nils Martin (born 1878)
  • Anna Alise (born 1879)
  • Godskalk (born 1883)
  • Marta Johanna (born 1887)

The Kalvik family lived on a farm alongside the picturesque Åkrafjorden on Norway’s west coast, where Johannes spent his formative years.

Building a Future: Career and Engagement

A Family of Builders

In 1910, at the age of 20 (twenty), Johannes and his elder brother Nils embarked on an ambitious project - building a house together in the valley. This house, a testament to their craftsmanship, remains in the family to this day.

Following in His Brother’s Footsteps

Nils, Johannes’ elder brother, had established himself as a carpenter and construction worker, occasionally working as a teacher as well. Johannes followed suit, dividing his time between:

  • Helping on the family farm
  • Working with Nils in the carpentry business

His efforts in carpentry earned him about £35 a year (600 NKr), a respectable sum for a young man of his age at the time.

Love and Promise

Johannes’ personal life was also blossoming. He became engaged to Anna Berta Åsmundsdotter Austarheim, a native of Etne born in 1892. Their engagement marked the beginning of what should have been a promising future together.

The Call of America

A Family Tragedy and a Brother’s Disappearance

In 1911, Johannes’ mother passed away, an event that may have spurred his desire to seek new opportunities across the Atlantic. Adding to this, his brother Godskalk had emigrated to Montana several years earlier but had mysteriously disappeared.

A Dual Purpose Journey

Johannes’ decision to travel to America was driven by two primary motivations:

  1. To search for his missing brother, Godskalk
  2. To establish himself in Story City, Iowa, where he planned to join a former neighbor

His ultimate goal was to secure a job and property in Iowa, after which he intended to send for his fiancée, Anna.

The Titanic Journey

Preparations and Departure

Before leaving Norway, Johannes took the time to have photographs taken of himself and his fiancée, preserving their image for posterity. His journey to the Titanic was a multi-stage affair:

  1. He traveled by boat from Haugesund to Newcastle
  2. From Newcastle, he took a train to Southampton
  3. In Southampton, he boarded the RMS Titanic as a third-class passenger

Titanic Ticket Details

  • Ticket Number: 8475
  • Cost: £8, 8s, 8d
  • Class: Third Class
  • Embarked: Southampton

The Tragic End

Johannes Halvorsen Kalvik perished in the sinking of the Titanic on April 15, 1912. His body, if recovered, was never identified. At the time of his death, he was just 21 (twenty-one) years old, with a lifetime of promise ahead of him.

Aftermath and Legacy

Family Compensation

Johannes’ widowed father received £40 from the Titanic Relief Fund, a small consolation for the loss of his youngest son. Halvar Godskalkson passed away in 1918, six years after losing Johannes.

A Brother’s Fate Revealed

Years later, the family learned of the tragic fate that befell Johannes’ brother Godskalk. He had been killed shortly after his arrival in the USA in a gunfight between cattlemen and homesteaders, adding another layer of tragedy to the family’s story.

Lasting Impact

Despite the tragic losses suffered by the Kalvik family, their legacy lives on. Several generations of Kalvigs have made their homes in Iowa, with many relatives continuing to live there today. The house that Johannes built with his brother Nils in 1910 still stands, a tangible reminder of the young man’s skill and the life he left behind.

The story of Johannes Halvorsen Kalvik serves as a poignant reminder of the dreams and aspirations carried by many of the Titanic’s passengers, and the profound impact of the disaster on families across the world.

About the Author
Andrew Nolan
Andre Nolan Lead Author & Researcher

Andre Nolan is an avid Titanic historian and the creator of, a website dedicated to uncovering the untold stories and forgotten details behind the famous ocean liner.

With a lifelong passion for maritime history, Andre has spent over a decade researching the Titanic, from the personal lives of passengers and crew to the engineering marvels that made the ship an icon of its era.

When he's not immersed in Titanic lore, Andre enjoys connecting with fellow maritime history lovers, exploring historic ships and shipwrecks.