Herbert Henry Hilliard

Who was Mr Herbert Henry Hilliard?

Mr Herbert Henry Hilliard was a 44 (forty-four) year-old English buyer for the Boston department store Jordan Marsh, who tragically perished in the sinking of the RMS Titanic on April 15, 1912. Born in Teddington, Surrey, England, Hilliard’s life journey took him from the shores of England to the bustling city of Boston, where he built a successful career and family before his untimely demise on the ill-fated maiden voyage of the Titanic.

Early Life and Family Roots

A Victorian Childhood

Born on June 29, 1867, Herbert Henry Hilliard entered a world on the cusp of great change. Baptized on September 8 of that year in Holy Trinity Church, Haverstock Hill, Camden, young Herbert’s early years were spent in the London suburb of Kingston, Surrey.

His parents, John Henry Hilliard and Frances Ann Lusty, had married just a year before his birth, on August 14, 1866. John, a draper by trade who later became an agent for a tea merchant, hailed from Kingston, while Frances had roots in Middlesex. Herbert’s family expanded with the arrival of his younger brother, Walter John, in 1871.

Tragedy and Transitions

Fate dealt a cruel hand to the Hilliard family when Herbert was just a boy. His father, John Henry Hilliard, passed away on May 12, 1875, leaving behind a widow and two young sons. This loss marked the beginning of a period of upheaval for Herbert:

  • 1871: The family resided at 1 Florence Cottages, Leyton, Essex
  • 1875: Following his father’s death, Herbert moved with his mother and brother
  • 1881: They lived with his maternal grandmother, Ann Lusty, at 151 Prince of Wales Road, St Pancras, London

In 1884, Herbert’s mother found love again, marrying Edwin John Cross, a China dealer. This union brought about another move, with the family relocating to Kent for several years.

A New Chapter: Marriage and Emigration

Love in Kent

In 1888, at the age of 21, Herbert Hilliard married Sarah Curtis in Kent. Their union was blessed with two children in quick succession:

  1. Francis Sydney Herbert (1888-1974)
  2. Daisy Louise (1889-1968, later Mrs. Leon Goss Chase)

Crossing the Atlantic

The year 1889 brought another twist of fate when Herbert’s stepfather passed away. Perhaps seeking new opportunities and a fresh start, the Hilliard family, including Herbert’s mother and brother, made the bold decision to emigrate to America in 1890. They settled in Boston, Massachusetts, where Herbert and Sarah would expand their family further:

  • Elsie Frances (1894-1977, later Mrs. Oskar Frederick Hedlund)
  • Walter George (1904-1993)
  • Gertrude Mary (1907-1986, later Mrs. Carl Olaf Ernest Carlson)

Building a Life in Boston

A Successful Career

By the turn of the century, Herbert Hilliard had established himself in Boston. The 1900 US census records show the extended Hilliard family, including Herbert’s mother and brother, residing in the city. Herbert’s career flourished, and by 1912, he had secured a prestigious position as a buyer for Jordan Marsh, one of Boston’s premier department stores.

A Fateful Business Trip

In the spring of 1912, Herbert’s work took him on a business trip to Europe. As he prepared to return home, little did he know that his journey would become part of one of the most infamous maritime disasters in history.

The Titanic: A Voyage into History

Boarding the Ship of Dreams

On April 10, 1912, Herbert Hilliard and his friend and colleague, Timothy J. McCarthy, boarded the RMS Titanic at Southampton. As first-class passengers, they enjoyed the luxurious amenities of the grand ship:

  • Ticket Number: 17463
  • Ticket Cost: £51, 17s, 3d
  • Cabin: E-46 (shared with Timothy J. McCarthy)

The Tragic Night

As the Titanic struck an iceberg on the night of April 14, 1912, Herbert Hilliard’s fate was sealed. Despite the ship’s reputation as “unsinkable,” Hilliard, like many others, did not survive the sinking in the early hours of April 15. His body, if recovered, was never identified, leaving his family without closure.

Legacy and Remembrance

Herbert Henry Hilliard’s life was cut short at the age of 44 (forty-four), but his memory lived on through his family. His widow, Sarah, never remarried and settled in Watertown, Massachusetts, with their children. She passed away in 1924 and was laid to rest in Mt Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

In a poignant tribute to their lost loved one, Herbert’s name was commemorated on Sarah’s headstone, ensuring that although the sea claimed his life, his memory would endure on land.

Herbert Henry Hilliard’s story serves as a reminder of the many individual tragedies that made up the larger disaster of the Titanic. A successful businessman, loving husband, and father, his life and dreams were cut short on that fateful night in April 1912, leaving behind a legacy that continues to resonate with those who study the Titanic’s history.

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About the Author
Andrew Nolan
Andre Nolan Lead Author & Researcher

Andre Nolan is an avid Titanic historian and the creator of TitanicUniverse.com, a website dedicated to uncovering the untold stories and forgotten details behind the famous ocean liner.

With a lifelong passion for maritime history, Andre has spent over a decade researching the Titanic, from the personal lives of passengers and crew to the engineering marvels that made the ship an icon of its era.

When he's not immersed in Titanic lore, Andre enjoys connecting with fellow maritime history lovers, exploring historic ships and shipwrecks.