Emilio Pallàs I Castelló

Who was Mr Emilio Pallàs i Castelló?

Mr Emilio Pallàs i Castelló was a 29 (twenty-nine) year-old Spanish-American passenger who survived the sinking of the RMS Titanic. He was traveling as a second-class passenger, embarking on the ill-fated voyage from Cherbourg with a final destination of Havana, Cuba.

Early Life and Nationality

Born in 1883, Emilio Pallàs i Castelló held dual Spanish and American citizenship. While details about his early life are scarce, his diverse background suggests a life rich with cultural experiences spanning two continents.

The Titanic Journey

Embarkation and Ticket Details

Mr Pallàs i Castelló boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg, France, on April 10, 1912. He purchased a second-class ticket for his transatlantic journey, with the following details:

  • Ticket Number: SC/PARIS 2147
  • Ticket Price: £13 17s 2d
  • Class: 2nd Class

Companions on the Voyage

Although traveling as a single man, evidence suggests that Mr Pallàs i Castelló may have been accompanied by acquaintances on his Titanic journey. He is believed to have known:

  • Julian Padro y Manent
  • Asuncion Durán i Moné
  • Florentina Durán i Moné

These connections paint a picture of a small Spanish-speaking community aboard the Titanic, possibly providing companionship and support during the voyage.

The Fateful Night

On the night of April 14-15, 1912, when the Titanic struck an iceberg and began to sink, Mr Pallàs i Castelló faced the harrowing experience of evacuation.

Survival and Rescue

Mr Emilio Pallàs i Castelló was one of the fortunate passengers who survived the Titanic disaster. He was rescued alongside his acquaintance, Julian Padro y Manent.

“Mr Pallas survived the sinking together with Julian Padro y Manent. They were probably rescued in lifeboat 9.”

This statement provides crucial information about his survival:

  1. He managed to secure a place on a lifeboat.
  2. The lifeboat he likely boarded was Lifeboat 9.
  3. He was accompanied by at least one familiar face during the rescue operation.

Life After the Titanic

While information about Mr Pallàs i Castelló’s life immediately following the Titanic disaster is limited, we know that he disembarked in New York City along with other survivors. From there, it’s unclear whether he continued his intended journey to Havana, Cuba, or if his plans changed due to the traumatic events he had experienced.

Later Years and Death

Emilio Pallàs i Castelló lived for nearly three decades after surviving the Titanic disaster. He passed away on April 14, 1940, at the age of 57 (fifty-seven). Remarkably, his date of death coincided with the 28th anniversary of the Titanic’s collision with the iceberg, a poignant connection to the event that had so dramatically shaped his life.


As one of the survivors of the Titanic, Mr Emilio Pallàs i Castelló’s story contributes to the broader narrative of this historic maritime disaster. His experience as a second-class passenger provides valuable insights into the evacuation process and survival rates among this particular group of travelers.

Mr Pallàs i Castelló’s dual nationality and intended destination of Cuba also highlight the diverse backgrounds of Titanic’s passengers, reminding us that the ship’s story is not just one of British and American travelers, but a truly international tale of tragedy and survival.

About the Author
Andrew Nolan
Andre Nolan Lead Author & Researcher

Andre Nolan is an avid Titanic historian and the creator of TitanicUniverse.com, a website dedicated to uncovering the untold stories and forgotten details behind the famous ocean liner.

With a lifelong passion for maritime history, Andre has spent over a decade researching the Titanic, from the personal lives of passengers and crew to the engineering marvels that made the ship an icon of its era.

When he's not immersed in Titanic lore, Andre enjoys connecting with fellow maritime history lovers, exploring historic ships and shipwrecks.