Emil Franklin Brandeis

Who was Mr Emil Franklin Brandeis?

Mr Emil Franklin Brandeis was a prominent American businessman and Titanic passenger who tragically perished in the ship’s sinking on April 15, 1912. Born on March 15, 1864, in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, Brandeis was a key figure in the renowned Brandeis Department Store in Omaha, Nebraska, and was known for his annual European travels and philanthropic work.

Early Life and Family Background

A Jewish-American Heritage

Emil Franklin Brandeis was born into a family of Jewish immigrants from Bohemia (now part of the Czech Republic). His parents, Jonas Leopold Brandeis (1834-1903) and Francesca Teweles (1845-1905), had emigrated to the United States around 1856 and married in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, circa 1862.

Siblings and Family Business

Emil was one of four children:

  • Arthur Donoen (1862-1916)
  • Emil Franklin (1864-1912)
  • Sarah (1867-1936, later Mrs. Herman Cohn)
  • Hugo (1868-1912)

The Brandeis family’s entrepreneurial spirit was evident in Jonas Leopold’s establishment of J. L. Brandeis & Sons, a successful dry goods merchant business that would later evolve into the Brandeis Department Store.

Education and Early Career

Accelerated Academic Progress

Emil Brandeis demonstrated exceptional academic abilities from a young age:

  • Graduated from grammar classes at the age of 12
  • Completed a commercial college course in Milwaukee in just two years

Joining the Family Business

After finishing his education, Emil returned home to enter his father’s store. In 1881, when Emil was 17, the family relocated to Omaha, Nebraska, where his father founded the Brandeis Department Store.

Rise in the Brandeis Empire

A Young Executive

At the age of 21, in 1885, Emil became a member of the family firm. His responsibilities included:

  • Directing the planning, building, and maintenance of Brandeis buildings
  • Overseeing the men’s goods department

Personal Life

Despite his business success, Emil never married. He resided at the Kennard Apartments on Dodge Street in Omaha, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets.

European Travels and Fateful Journey

Annual European Excursions

Emil Brandeis was known for his yearly trips to Europe. In late January 1912, he embarked on what would be his final journey:

  • Visited his niece, Mrs. Irving Stern (Ruth), in Italy
  • Traveled through Spain, Egypt, and Rome
  • Spent time in Vevey, Switzerland, with his recently widowed sister, Sarah Cohn

Titanic Voyage

Originally planning to return to the USA in May, Emil changed his plans and booked passage on the Titanic:

  • Boarded at Cherbourg as a first-class passenger
  • Ticket number: PC 17591
  • Ticket cost: £50, 9s, 11d (equivalent to approximately $7,500 in 2023)
  • Assigned to cabin B10

The Fateful Night

Last Known Interactions

On the night of April 14, 1912, Emil dined with old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Harris. According to later accounts:

“Emil and Mr. and Mrs. Harris enjoyed hearty dinner together Sunday night, Emil proudly telling them of his niece and nephew, Ruth and Irving Stone, promising Mr. and Mrs. Harris they should meet them in New York.”

Final Moments

Eyewitness accounts suggest that Emil, along with other men, remained on deck as women were lowered into lifeboats. Mrs. Harris later reported:

“When Mrs. Harris was ten minutes out at sea she saw the steamer sink with all those fine men aboard. They remained without fear.”

Recovery and Identification

Emil Brandeis’s body was recovered by the Mackay Bennett, designated as body #208. The detailed description provided a poignant glimpse into his final moments:

  • Appearance: Male, estimated age 50, grey hair and mustache
  • Clothing: Dark suit, brown shirt with blue stripes, black shoes, silk socks
  • Personal Effects: Diamond cuff links, gold knife, platinum and diamond watch chain, gold pencil case, gold ring, gold cigarette case and match box with initials, pearl tie-pin, gold watch
  • Currency: 500 francs note, £15, $15.00, £2 10s 3d

Legacy and Remembrance

Community Impact

Emil’s death was deeply felt in Omaha. A public memorial was organized by local organizations, recognizing his contributions to the city’s development.

Family Tragedy

1912 proved to be a devastating year for the Brandeis family:

  • Emil perished on the Titanic on April 15
  • His brother Hugo passed away on July 21
  • Their brother Arthur died in Manhattan on June 10, 1916
  • Sister Sarah lived until October 31, 1936

Emil Brandeis was laid to rest in the family plot at Pleasant Hill Jewish Cemetery in Omaha, alongside his parents, siblings, and several nieces and nephews, a testament to the enduring legacy of this prominent Jewish-American family.

About the Author
Andrew Nolan
Andre Nolan Lead Author & Researcher

Andre Nolan is an avid Titanic historian and the creator of TitanicUniverse.com, a website dedicated to uncovering the untold stories and forgotten details behind the famous ocean liner.

With a lifelong passion for maritime history, Andre has spent over a decade researching the Titanic, from the personal lives of passengers and crew to the engineering marvels that made the ship an icon of its era.

When he's not immersed in Titanic lore, Andre enjoys connecting with fellow maritime history lovers, exploring historic ships and shipwrecks.