Bridget Delia Mcdermott

Who was Bridget Delia McDermott?

Bridget Delia McDermott was an Irish survivor of the RMS Titanic disaster. Born on March 8, 1881, in Knockfarnaght, Addergoole, Co Mayo, Ireland, she was 31 (thirty-one) years old when she embarked on her fateful journey aboard the Titanic. McDermott’s survival story is notable not only for her escape from the sinking ship but also for the remarkable premonition she allegedly received before boarding.

Early Life and Family

Bridget was born into a Roman Catholic family that spoke both Irish and English. Her parents were:

  • Father: Michael McDermott (born 1834), a farmer
  • Mother: Bridget Rowland (born 1838)

She was one of four surviving children out of seven born to the couple. Her known siblings were:

  • Patt (born July 6, 1871)
  • Mary (born August 9, 1874)
  • Thomas (born April 15, 1877)

Life in Ireland

Before her Titanic journey, Bridget’s life revolved around her family’s farm in Knockfarnaght. Census records from 1901 and 1911 describe her as a “farmer’s daughter,” indicating her involvement in the family’s agricultural work.

The Titanic Journey

Why was Bridget on the Titanic?

Bridget was traveling to St. Louis, Missouri, to stay with her cousin, Maria Finnerty. This journey was part of a larger group of fourteen people from Addergoole, led by Catherine McGowan, who were emigrating to America.

Ticket and Travel Details

  • Ticket Number: 330932
  • Ticket Cost: £7, 15s, 8d
  • Class: 3rd Class
  • Point of Embarkation: Queenstown (now Cobh), Ireland

The Mysterious Premonition

One of the most intriguing aspects of Bridget’s story is the alleged encounter she had before leaving for Queenstown. According to her niece, Mrs. Delia Melody:

“She was in Lahardane with friends when suddenly a hand tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and there was a little man there whom she thought was a traveller. My aunt went to give the man a few pennies and he told her he knew she was going on a long journey. ‘There will be a tragedy but you will be saved’, the little man said before disappearing.”

This eerie premonition added an air of mystique to Bridget’s Titanic experience.

The Night of the Sinking

How did Bridget survive the Titanic disaster?

On the night of April 14-15, 1912, Bridget’s survival story unfolded:

  1. She was asleep when the collision occurred and felt nothing.
  2. A steward alerted her and her cabinmates to the danger, though initially assuring them there was no risk.
  3. Despite officers holding passengers back, Bridget was one of the first to find a lifeboat.
  4. In a moment of what could be seen as either bravery or folly, she returned to her cabin to retrieve a new hat she had bought before the journey.
  5. With the help of fellow passengers John Bourke and Pat Canavan, who knew of a ladder to the upper decks, Bridget made her escape.
  6. She likely boarded lifeboat 13, having to jump about fifteen feet from a rope-ladder into the boat.

Life After the Titanic

How did the Titanic impact Bridget’s later life?

Bridget’s survival of the Titanic disaster marked the beginning of her new life in America:

  • Her brother Thomas followed her to America later in 1912.
  • She married John Joseph Lynch, a railroad laborer from Galway, towards the end of the decade.
  • The couple settled in Jersey City, New Jersey, and had three children:
    1. Julia (1921-2007)
    2. Margaret (born 1922)
    3. Thomas (born 1925)
  • They ran a boarding house for many years.
  • Bridget was an active member of St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in Jersey City.

Legacy and Death

Bridget Lynch (née McDermott) passed away on November 3, 1959, at the age of 78 (seventy-eight) in Jersey City. Her final resting place is marked by an elaborate headstone in Holy Name Cemetery, where she lies alongside three other Irish Titanic survivors: Margaret Devaney, Elizabeth Dowdell, and Thomas McCormack.

Bridget’s story serves as a testament to the resilience of Titanic survivors and the impact of the disaster on the lives of Irish immigrants. Her experience, from the mysterious premonition to her daring escape and subsequent life in America, continues to captivate those interested in Titanic history.

About the Author
Andrew Nolan
Andre Nolan Lead Author & Researcher

Andre Nolan is an avid Titanic historian and the creator of, a website dedicated to uncovering the untold stories and forgotten details behind the famous ocean liner.

With a lifelong passion for maritime history, Andre has spent over a decade researching the Titanic, from the personal lives of passengers and crew to the engineering marvels that made the ship an icon of its era.

When he's not immersed in Titanic lore, Andre enjoys connecting with fellow maritime history lovers, exploring historic ships and shipwrecks.