Annie Clemmer Funk

Miss Annie Clemmer Funk: A Life of Dedication and Tragic Fate

Miss Annie Clemmer Funk was a devoted American missionary whose life was tragically cut short aboard the RMS Titanic. Born on April 12, 1874, in Bally, Pennsylvania, she dedicated her life to education and missionary work, becoming the first single female Mennonite missionary sent overseas. Her story is one of selflessness, cultural bridge-building, and an unfortunate twist of fate.

Early Life and Heritage

Annie Clemmer Funk was born into a family with deep Mennonite roots. Her ancestors were German emigrants who settled in Pennsylvania in the late 1700s, bringing with them their strong faith and cultural traditions. Annie’s father served as a deacon at the local Mennonite church for 25 years, instilling in her a strong sense of religious duty and community service from a young age.

Education and Early Career

Annie’s pursuit of knowledge and desire to serve others were evident from her early years:

  • Attended State Normal School at West Chester, Pennsylvania
  • Studied at Northfield Training School in Massachusetts (1898-1899)
  • Worked with the African-American community in Chattanooga, Tennessee
  • Held a staff position at YWCA in Patterson, New Jersey

Her time at the Northfield Training School, founded by the renowned 19th-century evangelist Dwight L. Moody, further shaped her missionary aspirations.

A Dream Realized: Missionary Work in India

How did Annie Funk’s missionary journey begin?

Annie had long harbored dreams of becoming a missionary. In November 1906, at the age of 32 (thirty-two), her aspirations became reality when she was sent to India as the first single female Mennonite missionary to be sent overseas.

Annie’s Impact in Janjgir

Upon arriving in India, Annie settled in Janjgir, where she would make a significant impact:

  • Opened a one-room school for girls in July 1907
  • Initially taught 17 girls
  • Learned Hindi to better connect with the local community

Annie’s dedication to education and cultural understanding laid the foundation for what would become her lasting legacy in India.

The Fateful Journey Home

What brought Annie Funk back to America?

In March 1912, Annie received a telegram with urgent news: “Come home at once. Mother very ill. Have purchased on two ships, Pastor Shelly.” This message set in motion a series of events that would lead her to the ill-fated RMS Titanic.

The Journey from India to England

Annie’s return journey was a testament to her determination to reach her ailing mother:

  1. Left Janjgir by train to Bombay
  2. Boarded the Persia bound for Plymouth
  3. Disembarked at Marseille on April 6, 1912
  4. Traveled by train and boat to England

A Fateful Decision

Originally planning to sail to America on the Haverford from Liverpool, Annie made a last-minute change. For “a few more gold pieces,” as she wrote, she decided to book passage on the Titanic instead. This decision would ultimately cost her her life.

Annie Funk’s Titanic Experience

Ticket and Boarding Details

  • Class: 2nd Class
  • Ticket Number: 237671
  • Ticket Price: £13
  • Embarked: Southampton

Last Days and the Sinking

Annie boarded the Titanic at Southampton, celebrating her 38th birthday during the first days of the voyage. On the night of April 14-15, 1912, as the ship struck an iceberg and began to sink, Annie’s final moments were marked by both tragedy and selflessness:

  • Awoken by stewards, she dressed and made her way to the deck
  • Was about to enter a lifeboat when a woman pushed past her, crying “My children, My children!”
  • Stepped back, giving up her chance at survival

Annie Clemmer Funk perished in the sinking of the Titanic at the age of 38 (thirty-eight). Her body, if recovered, was never identified.

Legacy and Remembrance

Despite her untimely death, Annie Funk’s impact continues to be felt:

  • The school she founded in Janjgir, India, was renamed the “Annie C. Funk Memorial Girl’s School”
  • Friends in America donated funds to enlarge the school and add a two-story dormitory
  • A memorial stands at the Hereford Mennonite Church Cemetery in Pennsylvania, near her parents’ graves

Annie Clemmer Funk’s life, though cut short, exemplifies the power of dedication, education, and selflessness. Her legacy lives on through the lives she touched in India and the continued work of the school she founded, serving as a testament to the lasting impact one individual can have on the world.

About the Author
Andrew Nolan
Andre Nolan Lead Author & Researcher

Andre Nolan is an avid Titanic historian and the creator of, a website dedicated to uncovering the untold stories and forgotten details behind the famous ocean liner.

With a lifelong passion for maritime history, Andre has spent over a decade researching the Titanic, from the personal lives of passengers and crew to the engineering marvels that made the ship an icon of its era.

When he's not immersed in Titanic lore, Andre enjoys connecting with fellow maritime history lovers, exploring historic ships and shipwrecks.