Alfons De Pelsmaeker

Mr Alfons De Pelsmaeker: A Young Belgian’s Tragic Journey on the Titanic

Who was Alfons De Pelsmaeker? Alfons De Pelsmaeker was a 16 (sixteen) year-old Belgian farm labourer who became one of the youngest victims of the Titanic disaster. His story is a poignant reflection of the dreams and aspirations of many third-class passengers aboard the ill-fated ship.

Early Life and Family Background

Alfons De Pelsmaeker was born on August 29, 1895, in Kerksken, Belgium. He came from a family that had faced significant hardships:

  • One of six children
  • Father died in 1905, leaving the family without their primary breadwinner
  • Mother, Marie, was left to raise six children alone

The De Pelsmaeker Family’s Struggle

The De Pelsmaeker family’s story mirrors the economic challenges faced by many in early 20th century Belgium:

  1. Alfons’ father was an independent weaver in Heldergem, Belgium
  2. New textile mills in nearby cities Aalst and Ninove drove small weavers out of business
  3. Forced career change to construction labor in Brussels
  4. Tragic death due to a falling wall at a construction site

This series of events left a profound impact on young Alfons and his siblings, shaping their future decisions.

The Decision to Emigrate

What led Alfons to board the Titanic? The answer lies in a common narrative of the time - the search for better opportunities abroad.

  • Older brother Gustave had already emigrated to America
  • Alfons planned to join Gustave in Gladstone, Michigan
  • The promise of work and a fresh start motivated the young farm labourer

The Titanic Journey

Alfons De Pelsmaeker embarked on his fateful journey with hope and anticipation. Here are the key details of his Titanic passage:

Class3rd Class
Ticket Number345778
Ticket Price£9 10s
Embarkation PointSouthampton

Alfons wasn’t traveling alone. He was part of a group from Denderhoutem, Belgium, including René Lievens, who lived very close to Alfons’ home. This connection to home must have provided some comfort during the initial stages of his journey.

The Tragic Sinking

What happened to Alfons during the Titanic’s final hours? Sadly, like many third-class passengers, Alfons De Pelsmaeker did not survive the sinking. His actions aboard the Titanic remain a mystery, lost to the depths of the Atlantic along with so many others.

  • Alfons died in the sinking on April 15, 1912
  • He was just 16 (sixteen) years old at the time of his death
  • His body, if recovered, was never identified

Legacy and Remembrance

How do we remember Alfons De Pelsmaeker today? While his life was cut tragically short, Alfons’ story serves as a poignant reminder of the many young lives lost in the Titanic disaster. He represents the dreams and aspirations of countless immigrants who saw the Titanic as their gateway to a better life in America.

Alfons De Pelsmaeker’s name lives on through:

  • Memorials dedicated to Titanic victims
  • Historical records and passenger lists
  • The ongoing research and interest in Titanic passengers’ stories

Reflections on a Life Cut Short

Alfons De Pelsmaeker’s brief life and tragic death on the Titanic highlight the human cost of the disaster. At just 16 years old, he embodied the hope and ambition of many young European emigrants, seeking a brighter future across the Atlantic. His story, though incomplete, serves as a poignant reminder of the dreams that sank with the Titanic on that fateful night in April 1912.

About the Author
Andrew Nolan
Andre Nolan Lead Author & Researcher

Andre Nolan is an avid Titanic historian and the creator of, a website dedicated to uncovering the untold stories and forgotten details behind the famous ocean liner.

With a lifelong passion for maritime history, Andre has spent over a decade researching the Titanic, from the personal lives of passengers and crew to the engineering marvels that made the ship an icon of its era.

When he's not immersed in Titanic lore, Andre enjoys connecting with fellow maritime history lovers, exploring historic ships and shipwrecks.